Gifts for the Goddess – Control

28 02 2010

As I sit here on the beautiful island of Maui, I find myself thinking about Control. I have been going thru a control phase in my life, mostly because lately at work I have had to juggle a lot of information, people, personalities and projects, as well as assign tasks and manage a new team of analysts.   Control and extreme organization is a must and I find it is spilling over into my personal and home life.   Now this can be good and this can be bad.

The Good. I have organized and de-cluttered  my house.  I went thru the entire house picking up things that the neighborhood shelter or salvation army could use. A good friend of mine was great enough to build me some shelves in my home office and I finally can see and actually use my 3rd bathroom.  I have transformed it into my own personal “Spa” where I can pamper myself, take bubble baths , light candles and burn Eucalyptus oils while listening to the “Spa” channel on XM, and watching the ocean waves of Hawaii or a waterfall from Oregon. Ahhhh.   So feeling so out of control at work, I felt the need to have control over my home situation.   If the house or my office is a mess, It’s one more thing that I can’t get a handle on and I can be easily distracted. Walking into the clean, organized house, seeing everything in it’s place and just being able to unwind from the hectic day at the office is heaven, and has been my saving grace.

The Bad. At work, If I am not conscience of it, I can get really, really detailed and anal and drive everyone crazy, including myself I might add.  Trying to put processes and workflows in place and making sure everyone follows them for tracking and accountability purposes is just a real pain, but necessary to get the job done and keep juggling everything so we are on track. That’s the bad at work.  The bad in my personal life is a bit more complex.

When emotions run high, I sometimes lose perspective and I realize I really need to keep the control issue in check.  How do I do that? Well, first thing, I realize nothing is real anyway.  We make so much up.  The situation you are upset about, the guy you are wishing will call, the deal you are wishing would happen…….People, let it go!  Surrender. That’s all I can say.

You will drive yourself nuts trying to analyze everything.  We women are good at that one. Things will happen if they are suppose to happen, try to leave it to the Higher power. Try…it’s hard.  You have to believe whatever is best for you, mother/father/god will provide. Whatever you need in this life, whatever your challenges and lessons, you will overcome and learn.  I’m not saying don’t prepare, study, plan or engage in relationship, I’m just saying realize after you do the work, meet that special person, or present your deal, you need to let “life happen.”

What is your path?  What is your life’s passion?  Who is your life’s partner?  When will it reveal itself? When will he show up?  Will you miss it? Will you misread signs based on your wants and needs?  It all seems so complicated, but it really is not. Just surrender people.  Everything is as it should be. We have to believe that.  Being in this beautiful place called Maui at the moment, how can I not know and feel this as truth?  I do, and yes, it’s still hard.

We all have lessons to learn, and if we don’t learn them the first time, don’t worry, they will be back soon enough…another time, another place.  You can count on it.

Control.  Just Surrender.  It’s that simple…..and that hard.

Peace and love always,

40s Goddess    Veronica Crystal Young