Gifts for the Goddess – Regret

2 09 2009

RegretAll I can say about this is Regret is such a negative emotion.  It also comes when we are not living in the present.  Regret can only live if we live in the past for how can you have regret for something in the future?  And if you regret something you did right now, as soon as you feel it, the time has past.  So let’s see what we can do about this emotion that can stifle, hurt and make you crazy!

Here is the textbook definition:  Regret is an intelligent and/or emotional dislike for personal past acts and behaviors. Regret is often felt when someone feels sadness, shame, embarrassment, depression, or guilt after committing an action or actions that the person later wishes that he or she had not done.

The reality is, if something is done, it’s done.  No amount of regret, sadness, depression…whatever you are feeling, (or should I say choose to feel), will change that fact.  I have three words to say consequences, communication and responsibility. My three favorite subjects!

Any and all action we take has a result (Consequence).  It is human nature to label these consequences as “good” or “bad” but I know I have to remember I am the one that labels this.  If I have what I consider a negative emotion based on some action I have had like sadness, depression, anger etc, I label the consequence “bad.”  When this happens, I have 3 choices.  1) Take some action to rectify the situation as you see it or 2) wallow in the bad feeling and hope it doesn’t last long (your choice) or 3)  Accept it, forgive yourself and move on. I suggest, as a rule, 1 or 3 because # 2 just builds walls and closes us off to people and experiences. Not a great way to live.

So, with that said, I confess I recently had been living in the “wallow.” I know, I know…take my own advice!  But sometimes it’s necessary to feel the hurt and pain of regret.  Maybe it will get you off your ass to do what you need to do, or feel you need to do!  I know it has me. I’m still working myself crazy at the hospital, but I am forcing myself to make time to do the projects, production and passion that feeds my soul.  We all have too….because Youth is in our Passions!   Hey, I think I just figured out my next segment!

So, be well my friends.  And always remember to live in the present, forgive the past, and go for your dreams. Life is too short!

Veronica Crystal Young – 40s Goddesss
