Gifts for the Goddess – What’s Important

11 04 2010

As I reach another Birthday, I can’t help but think about ….what’s important.

Having been away from the hustle and bustle of work, city life for a week or so, it’s really easy to feel what is important, especially with this sunrise!

As I woke up at 5:30AM to pack up my camera & coffee, I started out praying the sun would cooperate with me this time and produce an amazing sight. As I drove thru the jungle and finally to the parking lot of the State Park, the sound of the pounding waves were unmistakable.  Four days past when the Tsunami was suppose to hit, mother nature was reeling. I grabbed my coffee and I could see in the distance the sun trying to peak out from behind grey clouds over a grey ocean.

The ground was made up of lava rocks and is covered in places with bright green; It is a beautiful contrast against the dark black rock.  As I neared the edge of the rock, the sun was barely creeping up in the horizon, the clouds had cleared a bit, and my heart was just soaring.  How can anyone be depressed, upset or sad around this? I actually cried a little at the stunning beauty.  It was breathtaking.  No one, I mean not a soul was around.   It was me and the ocean…..and the great creator.

I thought about my life, what had been joyful this past year, and what had been a challenge.  Those things I wish I could change, those things I needed to let go because I couldn’t change them, and I thought about what I wanted in my life. I have always been strong. I have always thought I knew what was important and what I wanted.  In this place……it was hard to think about “real” life.   At times I can find myself struggling with what I really want, with what’s important.  In this magical place, where you cannot help but feel magnificent calm and creative inspiration, I can see it very clearly.

Family. Love them and appreciate them with all your heart, for despite the trying times, and there will be some, they are your anchors to this life and to who you are.  Good or bad, they help shape you. Your parents and siblings helped shape your earliest thoughts and ideas about this world, yourself and others.  Your spouse helps you remember who you really are and shares your soul’s purpose. Your children help you re-examine life and how you see the world. Bless them, and tell them as often as possible, how much you love and care for them.  There is nothing as strong as family. (See Dad and Mom)

Friends. Love them and tell them often. Also forgive them, for there are times when they will disappoint or hurt you.  They are human, get over it. And know that true friends will always have your best interest at heart and will always protect and love you. (See “Friends” )

You. Love and forgive yourself, for there are times when you will disappoint and hurt yourself, times when you wish you could change the past.  Whatever you feel you did or did not do that caused any type of regret. You are human, get over it!  Life it too short. Despite our tradition of new year’s resolutions, the reality is, we have the opportunity daily to start over and renew our lives.

World Peace.  Enough said on that one.  I think you get it.

Bottom line  for what’s important – Love. Love for everyone and everything, no matter what is said, done or not done. No matter the circumstance, no matter the choices, the right choice and the only choice – is love.  That’s what’s important.  What a lovely world if everyone could just get this one thing.

It’s that simple….. and that hard.   Peace and Love my Friends….

40s Goddess  –  Veronica Crystal Young